quinta-feira, 27 de junho de 2013

A cat may look at a king (Meaning and origin)


An inferior isn't completely restricted in what they may do in the presence of a superior.


The origin of this proverb is unknown. What is known is that it is found first in print in a famous early collection of English proverbs, The Proverbs And Epigrams Of John Heywood, 1562:
Some hear and see him whom he heareth nor seeth not
But fields have eyes and woods have ears, ye wot
And also on my maids he is ever tooting.
Can ye judge a man, (quoth I), by his looking?
What, a cat may look on a king, ye know!
My cat's leering look, (quoth she), at first show,
Showeth me that my cat goeth a caterwauling;
And specially by his manner of drawing
To Madge, my fair maid.
In 1713, Oswald Dykes published English proverbs with moral reflexions. This used various well-known proverbs as a starting point for Dykes' to pronounce his political and social values. In this extract it isn't clear which king he was protecting, as Queen Anne was the British monarch at the time:
Tis very true, Kings do not use to call Cats to an Account for their looks, or their undistinguishing Boldness: But there are many Cats of this Kind, which are too much made of, indulg'd, and encourag'd, 'till they fly at last in the Face of sacred Majesty. In this Sense, it is a true-blue Protestant-Proverb. I do not know whether it was calculated for the Rabble or not; to pur and mew like Cats about a Throne, 'till at length they scratch the Hand that strokes them, and mob their Protector. However, there has been ill use made on't; and it has often been extravagantly misapply'd to Outrage and Violence upon a King's Person, as well in Print, as in some Peoples Mouths.

Como expressar discordância...

I don't think that..., 
Don't you think it would be better..., 
I don't agree, I'd prefer..., 
Shouldn't we consider..., 
But what about..., 
I'm afraid I don't agree..., 
Frankly, I doubt if..., 
Let's face it, The truth of the matter is..., 
The problem with your point of view is that...

Como começar uma frase (expressando preferencia ou opinião)

Opinions, Preferences:
I think..., 
In my opinion..., 
I'd like to..., 
I'd rather..., 
I'd prefer..., 
The way I see it..., 
As far as I'm concerned..., 
If it were up to me..., 
I suppose..., 
I suspect that..., 
I'm pretty sure that..., 
It is fairly certain that..., 
I'm convinced that..., 
I honestly feel that, 
I strongly believe that..., 
Without a doubt,...

Vocabulary - though, although, even though, despite, in spite of (Intermediate 4)

Como lembrar vocabulário. (Intermediate 4 )

5 Dicas para Escrita Formal!

sexta-feira, 14 de junho de 2013

Learning English - (Hello/Goodbye)



  1.  What do we do when we first meet someone? 
  2.  What are some ways to use a greeting? 
  3.  What is a double greeting? 
  4.  How can we greet someone we haven't seen for a long time? 
  5.  What sentences can we use to greet a person when we are in a hurry? 
  6.  What do people talk about when they meet in England? 
  7.  What about in China? 
  8.  Can one use Hello as a way of expressing sarcasm? 
  9.  What are some ways of saying Good-bye?

Talking Animals BBC. Inermediate 4

Very funny video. (British Accent) ENJOY IT!

quarta-feira, 12 de junho de 2013


Os adjetivos em inglês são usados para qualificar ou modificar um substantivo ou um pronome. Eles aparecem antes do substantivo ou depois dos verbos de ligação na frase. 

Veja os exemplos: 
 I have a blue pencil. (Eu tenho um lápis azul.) She is smart. (Ela é esperta.) 
 Porém, alguns adjetivos possuem uma terminação diferente. 
É o caso dos adjetivos que terminam com –ing e –ed. 
Observe: Julia's job is boring. (O emprego de Julia é chato.) Julia is bored. (Julia está entediada.) 

 Perceba que no primeiro exemplo o adjetivo boring refere-se ao emprego de Julia. 
Já no segundo exemplo, refere-se a ela. 
Ainda poderíamos escrever desta maneira: Julia is bored because her job is boring. (Julia está entediada porque seu emprego é chato.) 

 Agora compare outros exemplos:
 * interesting (interessante) * interested (interessado(a)) 
 Julia is very interesting. Julia is very interested in Arts. (Julia é muito interessante.) (Julia é muito interessada em Artes.) 
 * surprising (surpreendente) * surprised (surpreso(a)) 
 This film is surprising! I am surprised with this film! (Este filme é surpreendente!) (Eu estou surpreso(a) com este filme!) 
 * shocking (chocante) / shocked (chocado(a)) This scene is shocking. Everybody is shocked. (Esta cena é chocante.) (Todos estão chocados.) 

 Note que geralmente não há uma forma específica para o masculino e outra para o feminino nos adjetivos. Ao traduzir a frase, você deverá flexioná-lo conforme o substantivo!


terça-feira, 11 de junho de 2013

500 palavras em inglês em menos de um minuto!

Você sabia que pode aprender cerca de 500 palavras em menos de um minuto?

1)Pegue as palavras em PORTUGUÊS terminadas em - DADE e troque pela terminação - TY.
(de acordo com o dicionário Aurélio serão 125 palavras).

2)Agora pegue as palavras em PORTUGUÊS, terminadas em - ÊNCIA e troque pela terminação - ENCE.
(de acordo com o dicionário Aurélio serão 120 palavras).

3)Para continuar, pegue as palavras terminadas em - ÇÃO e troque pela terminação - TION.
(de acordo com o Aurélio serão 125 palavras terminadas em - ção).

4)Agora, para finalizar, pegue as palavras terminadas em - Al.
Todas as palavras em português terminadas em – Al, são as mesmas em Inglês.
(você vai encontrar cerca de 100 palavras terminadas em –Al).

Espero que tenham gostado da dica. See ya!

sexta-feira, 7 de junho de 2013

Quizzes - SHOES.

1.These shoes are an example of the footwear first worn by mankind. What are they usually called?


2.These shoes are usually associated with the Netherlands. What are they called?


3.Known as flip-flops in other areas of the world, 
what do Australians call these items worn on our feet?


4.High heels are usually worn today by women. Is it true however that this fashion trend began with men?


5.Hey fellow, can you tell me what kind of shoes I wear?

Answer: One word beginning with H.

Quiz Answers: 1) Sandals; 2)Clogs; 3)Thongs; 4)Yes; 5)Horseshoe

I knew you were trouble - WALK OFF THE EARTH Feat. KRNFX

Listen to these guys and sing together!

Once upon a time, a few mistakes ago
I was in your sights, you got me alone

You found me, you found me, you found me
I guess you didn't care and I guess I liked that
And when I fell hard you took a step back
Without me, without me, without me

And he's long gone when he's next to me
And I realize the blame is on me

Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
'Til you put me down

Oh, I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground

Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble

No apologies, he'll never see you cry
Pretends he doesn't know that he's the reason why
You're drowning, you're drowning, you're drowning

And I heard you moved on from whispers on the street
A new notch in your belt is all I'll ever be
And now I see, now I see, now I see

He was long gone when he met me
And I realize the joke is on me

I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
'Til you put me down

I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground

Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
Oh, oh, trouble trouble trouble

And the saddest fear comes creepin' in
That you never loved me or her or anyone or anything, yeah

I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
'Til you put me down

Oh, I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground

Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble
Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble

I knew you were trouble when you walked in
Trouble, trouble, trouble
I knew you were trouble when you walked in
Trouble, trouble, trouble

quinta-feira, 6 de junho de 2013

Read and Answer (Beginner 3)

VEGETABLES - Reading Comprehension.
Fine vegetable cookery is the art of knowing how to select the Best ingredients, how to hold all their color and taste even under the heat of a broiler or barbecue and how to transform ordinary ingredients into praise-winning creations.
You can master this rewarding art with the help of Vegetables, the introductory volume in THE GOOD COOK series. It’s a fascinating way to explore new cooking skills, because it doesn’t tell you what to do – it actually shows you step by step, in mouth-watering, full-color photographs. Vegetables and it’s elegant companion volumes are like no cookbooks you’ve ever seen. THE GOOD COOK series help you expand your abilities, one kind of food at a time: Poultry … Eggs & Cheese… Salads…Fish… Classic Desserts and others.
We invite you to try out Vegetables for 10 days as our guest. See how
THE GOOD COOK goes about making you an even better cook!

1)Look up these words in the dictionary:
poultry: __________________________________________

2)Answer the following questions:
1) What do you like to eat for lunch?
2) What do you like to eat for dinner?
3) Do you normally eat what you like?
4) Do you like vegetables?
5) What’s you favorite dessert?
6) Do you know any recipe of a good salad? What are the ingredients?
7) What vegetables do you really hate?
8) Do you know anybody who is totally vegetarian?
9) In your opinion, what are the advantages of being a vegetarian? Why?
10) How about the disadvantages?
11) Could you imagine yourself being a vegetarian? IF NOT: Why not?
12) Do you think vegetables make your body healthier or it doesn’t difference?
13) Can people who eat only vegetables get sicker than people who eat meat?

3)Written skills (Escreva um parágrafo com alguma experiência culinária que você já teve)

Reading Comprehension.

The girl and the enchanted bird -

There once was a girl who had a bird as her best friend.
He was a bird unlike any other: it was enchanted.
Common birds, once the cage door is left open, go away never to return. But the girl’s bird flew freely and came back when it missed her ... His feathers were also different. Changed color. They were always painted in the colors of distant and strange places where it was flying. Once it turned completely white, huge tail feather fluffy as cotton.
- Girl, I come from the mountains covered with snow and cold, all beautifully white and clean, gleaming in the moonlight, listening to nothing except the wind noise that makes popping the ice that covers the branches of trees. I brought in my feathers a bit of charm that I saw as a gift for you.
And so he began to sing the songs and stories of that world that had never seen the girl. Until she fell asleep and dreamed that flew on the wings of the bird.
Again, on another day, he turned red as fire, golden plume head.
- I come from a land scorched by drought, hot and waterless land, where the big, the small and the animals suffer the sorrow of the sun that is not quenched. My feathers were like that sun, and I bring the sad songs of those who would love to hear the noise of the waterfalls and see the beauty of the green fields.
And again the stories began. The girl loved that bird and could hear him incessantly, day after day. And the bird loved the girl, and it kept coming back.
But then, again it was time of sorrow.
- I gotta go - said.
- Please do not go. I'm so sad. I'll miss you. And cry ... - And the girl was pouting...
- I'll miss you too - said the bird. - I also cry. But I'll tell you a secret: the plants need water, we need air, fish need rivers ... And my spell needs nostalgia. Is that sadness, in hopes of returning, that makes my stay beautiful feathers. If I don’t go, there will be no longing. I fail to be an enchanted bird. And you’ll cease to love me.
So he left. The girl, alone, cries at night of sadness, wondering if the bird would come back again. And it was one of those nights that she had a wicked idea: "If I hold him in a cage, he'll never leave. It will be mine forever. No won’t miss him anymore. And I'll be happy ...”
With these thoughts, she bought a beautiful cage, silver, fit for a bird that one loves very much. And she waited. He finally arrived, wonderful in their new colors, with different stories to tell. Tired of the journey, fell asleep. It was then that the girl carefully, so he would not wake up, trapped him in the cage, so he never abandoned her. And fell asleep happy.
She woke up at dawn, with the wail of a bird…
- Ah! girl ... What did you do?  You broke the spell. My feathers will be ugly and I will forget the stories ... Without nostalgia, love will go away ...
The girl did not believe. He thought that he would eventually get used. But this is not what happened. The time passed, and the bird became different. Plumes start falling. The red, green and blue feathers turned into a sad gray. Then came the silence and He stopped singing.
Also the girl grieved. No, that was not the bird that she loved. And she cried at night, thinking about what she had done to her friend...
Until they couldn’t take anymore.
She opened the cage door.
- You can go bird. Come back when you want...
- Thank you, girl. I have to leave. And I need to leave for the nostalgia that comes and make me want to go back. Far in nostalgia, good things begin to grow within us. Whenever you stay with nostalgia, I'll be more beautiful. Whenever I get homesick, I shall be prettier and spruce, wait for me...
And he left. Flying to distant places. The girl counted the days, and with each passing day the longing grew.
- How nice - she thought - my bird is getting charmed again ...
And she went to the wardrobe, chose the dresses, and combed her hair and put flowers in a pot.
- We never know. He may come back today...
Without she realized, the whole world was getting enchanted, like the bird. Why he should be flying from anywhere and from any side would return. Ah!
Wonderful World, which holds somewhere in the secret enchanted bird that I love...?
And so it was, every night, going to bed, sad longing, but happy with the thought: "Who knows if he'll be back tomorrow ...."
And so she slept and dreamed about the joy of reunion.

Rubem Alves.

In your opinion, what's the text's main topic?

What would you do if you had a bird like that?

Do you think the girl did the right thing?

Do you think there's a limit for somebody's freedom?

What comes to your mind when you think about the word "Freedom" ?

Jason Mraz - 93 MIllion Miles (Official Lyric Video)

Jason Mraz – 93 Million Miles
 Listen to the song and fill up the gaps:
93 million miles ______________ sun
People get ready, get ready
Cause here it comes, it's a light
A ____________________, over the horizon
Into your eyes
Oh, my my how ______________
Oh my beautiful mother
She told me, son in life you're ________________ far
If you do it right, you'll love where you are
_________________, wherever you go
You can always come home
240 thousand miles from the ___________
We've come a long way to belong here
To _______________ view of the night
A glorious night
Over the horizon is ___________________ sky
Oh my my how beautiful, oh my irrefutable father
He told me, son _________________ it may seem dark
But the absence of the light is a necessary part
Just know, _____________________, you can always come back home
Home, Home
You can always come back
Every road is a _____________ slope
But there is always______________ that you can _____________ to
Looking deeper through the telescope
You ______________ that your home's inside of you
Just know, that wherever you go, no __________________alone, you will always get back home
Home, Home

93 million miles from the sun
People get ready, get ready
__________ here it comes, it's a light
A beautiful light, over the _____________
Into our eyes

quarta-feira, 5 de junho de 2013

How often do you check your e-mail? (Intermediate 4)

Watch the video first, then read the transcription!

George: Hi, I'm George from Hawaii.
Crystal: And I'm Crystal from America.
George: And today's question is how often do you check your e-mail? So, Crystal, how often do you check your e-mail?
Crystal: Well, before I used to never check my e-mail. But, oh my god, if you do not check your e-mail, you get in big big troubles.
George: Why? What happened? What happened to you?
Crystal: I almost got kicked out of my own house before.
George: It sounds awesome. So, you … what happened?
Crystal: I haven't check my e-mail for months and they've been sending me like...these e-mails saying oh you're gonna get kicked out, and please remove your stuff from your house.
George: Hah!
Crystal: And I never got it till the last day when I was leaving the country.
George: Interesting.
Crystal: A big lesson learned, you must check your e-mail. How often do you check your e-mail? George.
George: Oh..I checked it pretty often, but I just never really replied to anybody. You know I probably replied maybe once every three months.
Crystal: Yeah, you never reply to me.
George: Yeah, my bad, my bad, I'm sorry. Alright.
Crystal: OK!

Read the text:

Google's Gmail reads all your emails!!!

NEW DELHI: Google goes through every single word of personal Gmail messages and uses that information to sell and target ads. This is what a report by GfK Roper study, commissioned by Microsoft claims.
The report said that 70 percent of consumers don't know that major email providers routinely engage in the practice of reading through their personal email to sell ads, something that 88 percent of people disapprove of once they are informed.
The GfK Roper study said that Google even goes through emails from non-Gmail users to generate advertising income. "Gmail goes through all incoming email messages, from any email provider, and sells ads based on the content of those emails, a practice that nearly 90 percent of Americans agree should end," the study added.
Microsoft goes on to say that Outlook.com, the email service that it launched last year doesn't go through the content of users' emails to show ads. With the help of Outlook.com, Microsoft launched a petition to help consumers get the message to Google that going through personal email messages to sell ads is unacceptable.
"Outlook.com encourages consumers to sign the petition at Scroogled.com and tell Google to stop going through their emails to sell ads. Outlook.com encourages consumers to prioritize their privacy by switching to Outlook.com," said the petition.
Answer the questions:
How many emails do you read a day?
Do you reply to all your emails?
What kind of email one shouldn't receive?
What's your email account? How many email accounts do you have?
What do you think about the text above?

What is an adventure you would like to take? (Intermediate 4)

Watch the video first without the transcription  and the second time following the subtitles!

Hanna: I'm Hanna from Australia.
Diego: And I'm Diego from Mexico.
Hanna: And today we're going to be talking about adventures. Would you like to go on an adventure Diego?
Diego: Yes, I would love to go on an adventure, and I've actually ever thought about it since I was younger.
Hanna: What were you thinking about?
Diego: Well, I like the sea and I like sailing and I love my friends so I wanna take a huge boat, preferably a yacht around the world with all my friends and go to these exotic islands around the world.
Hanna: Oh, really, can I come?
Diego: Of course.
Hanna: Oh, excellent.
Diego: Would you like to come?
Hanna: I'd love to go on a yacht. I think we should go.
Diego: I think we should do it.
Hanna: Yep.
Diego: What's your adventure?
Hanna: My adventure? Mmm! I'd really like to go into space. I think that might be a little bit expensive though, so I think going on a yacht is probably a better idea.
Diego: I think so, but Virgin Airlines has those flights to space I think.
Hanna: Oh, well, maybe when I'm very rich then.
Diego: OK.

Read the text and look up the words you don't know in the dictionary.

Climb Ouray, Colorado
Thanks to the strategic placement of a few hundred showerheads in the San Juan Mountains, the Ouray Ice Park is the most condensed collection of ice routes in the world (nearly 200). Head to Schoolroom for a feast of easy-access, top-roped hundred-footers, or to South Park for dozens more—all within 15 minutes’ walk of a warm meal and a warm bed in Ouray. Ouray Ice Park 
The South Park is a good place to take beginners and intermediates away from crowds of the Schoolroom. A five to ten minute walk along the ice park trail will lead you to signs designating the South Park area. Anchors are generally built from trees and ice screws or a combination of both. Some of the trees are a short distance away from the top of the routes and others are a greater distance. It is helpful to have extra rope or cord to build anchors here. Walk down to the base of the climbs in on the down riverside via a trail and fixed rope down a hill. The canyon is fairly wide here and makes for a nice place to hang out at the base of routes, preferably not right beneath them.

What about you, what adventure would you like to take?

What was the most daring adventure you've ever attended?

What does it mean "You can't discover new oceans unless you have the courage to leave the shore."?

In your opinion, what's the most dangerous adventure in life?